Where do you watch movies? When I'm not at the Brattle, Harvard Film Archive or my parent's house (they have digital cable!), I'm lounging on my big red sofa watching films from my entertainment center. I mostly watch Netflix rentals but also have a budding inventory of DVDs. I also have a massive secret collection of taped movies from TCM. I don't have a DVR or TiVo, so I tape on good old-fashioned VHS tapes.
I have always wanted to do a sort of follow-up to my post Work: My Classic Film Nest with an ode to my entertainment center.
Here she is. Isn't she a beaut? You can see my big red sofa from the reflection of the TV. This entertainment center consists of 500+ pieces and I assembled this monstrosity all by myself. It's my crowning achievement.
Here is another look at my television set. Nothing fancy here. No HDTV, Plasma screen or flat-screen. Believe it or not, she is a color TV! I have that at least.
This is my DVD player which I've had for close to 10 years now. I love the unusual shape because it's cool and it takes up very little room. It's got interchangeable cards so I can make it red, blue or gold whenever I want.
Now here's a peek at my DVD collection. You'll be surprised at some of the films I own. I usually only buy films that I want to watch over and over again like Good News, Pillow Talk and A Patch of Blue. Also, some of these DVDs are presents from friends.
I had a stereo here before but got rid of it to fill the space with boxed sets, TV collections and music CDs. Unfortunately, now it's quite full and I have 3 new boxed sets to add to it.
Here is the piece de resistance! My secret stash of taped movies. I have hundreds of films in here including my extensive collection of Norma Shearer movies.
Calling all fellow bloggers to participate! What does your entertainment center look like? What films are in your personal collection?
Jonas @ All Talking! All Singing! All Dancing!
Laura @ Laura's Miscellaneous Musings
Bookyeti - 1st Pic - 2nd Pic - 3rd Pic (Temporary)
King of Jazz - 1st Pic - 2nd Pic - 3rd Pic (Temporary)
Sarah @ Cinema Splendor
Casey @ Noir Girl
Kate Gabrielle @ Silents and Talkies
Nicole @ Classic Hollywood Nerd